AC Cycles: servicing dirt bikes, ATVs, UTVs, and motorcycles in Spout Spring
When Frank Brown rode a dirt bike for the first time at just 6 years old, he instantly fell in love with the excitement and freedom he felt while riding. At age eighteen, he began competing in motocross races.
In high school, Frank met Tammy and they began dating when they were both sixteen years old. The pair got married four years later. After several years in Maine, their happily-ever-after story brought them to Appomattox in 2005 with two young sons in tow.
Even though their extended family lived nearby back in Maine, Frank and Tammy Brown drew tired of the cold blistery winters and made the decision to move south. Virginia seemed like a good location because it was within driving distance of family, but far enough south that the winters would be bearable. They searched various areas of Virginia before eventually finding their home in Appomattox.
Back in Maine, the Browns operated a motorcycle, dirt bike and snowmobile shop. They sold the shop when they moved, and Tammy vowed that they would never again own their own business! The demanding lifestyle business ownership brings can be stressful!
…But, it didn’t take long before Frank started repairing bikes in their garage for local friends and neighbors in Virginia. Eventually, his passion grew to the point that it was no longer a hobby and Frank and Tammy once again became business owners. This time, naming their business AC Cycles. (“AC” stands for their two sons, Alex and Curtis (who goes by CJ.) Frank, Alex, and CJ have all enjoyed competing in motocross racing through the years.)
Serving Appomattox and beyond
AC Cycles has been in business since 2011. The shop is located at 133 Dove Lane (and can be seen just off of Route 460) in Spout Spring. Their business has expanded leaps and bounds since 2011. Today, Frank runs the shop with a few trusted mechanics alongside, and Tammy tends to the clerical front desk work. There, they serve the needs of locals and they even have several loyal customers that travel from an hour or so away!
When you first walk in the shop, more than likely you’ll be greeted by Coco, an 11 year old chocolate lab, who moves slowly to greet you and loves to say hello. Or, you’ll receive a greeting from Rocky, a 5 year old rescue who can often be seen standing on his back two legs in order to peak out the front door’s window to get a glimpse of you before you even walk in the door. The two pups are popular among customers and guests in the shop. Tammy says - sometimes people stop in just to pet the pups.
The lobby is organized and tidy, with various bottles of oil as well as accessories for sale neatly placed along wooden shelves. Behind a tall wooden desk in the lobby is Tammy’s workspace and two barstools sit at the far-end of the counter for folks who want to rest while they wait, or for those just stopping to pay a visit.
Past two red swinging doors is the shop. That’s where Frank and his team diligently work to repair, maintain, or enhance motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, and UTVs. With a lifetime of experience, Frank and his team are able to meet your maintenance, repair, and enhancement needs! They service Harley Davidson, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Polaris, Can Am and Arctic Cat brands.
(Writer’s note: The shop at AC Cycles is consistently busy and they are always ready to grow their team of mechanics. If you know an experienced auto or bike mechanic who is looking for work, (with at least 5 years experience)… please tell them about the opportunity to work in this friendly business!)
Accessories available!
If you’re looking for bike accessories, look no further than AC Cycles. In fact, they just became the only authorized dealer in Virginia for an exciting new product line! Tilting Motor Works was created with mature riders in mind.
Tilting Motor Works is a system in which two wheels are attached to the front end of the motorcycle, creating a sort of backwards tricycle look. (See the photos at the top of the page of the red motorcycle.) These two wheels help keep the bike stable but also continue to allow that famous motorcycle lean when driving around curves. (Oppositely, a regular trike does not allow the bike to lean and it rides more like a 4-wheeler, keeping the rider upright.)
The Tilting Motor Works system also comes in handy when a rider is stopped at a stoplight or stop sign. Because of the two wheels in front, a rider would not have to hold the bike straight up while stopped! When the lock system is on, the bike holds itself upright and will not tip over.
From maintenance and repair services to selling parts and accessories, AC Cycles is your one stop shop for all things motorcycle, ATV, UTV, or dirt bike related. Their phone number is 434-352-8311. Their hours of operation are Tuesday - Friday, 8am to 5pm, and on Saturdays from 9am until 1pm. Stop by and see Frank, Tammy, and their crew (including the pups - Coco and Rocky) anytime during those hours. You can also email the shop at for more information or to inquire about their services!
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